
Al Watania for Hatcheries

One of Al Watania Poultry Egypt companies, and it is the second stage of the production cycle. This company is divided into three sectors: breeder farms for broiler, hatching labs and farms for producing table eggs.

The company uses the finest breeds worldwide and the highest technology either in labs equipment, disinfectants or vaccines used to obtain a high quality product that is commensurate with the name, the reputation and experience of the company.

The Breeders

The Project’s Location

Breeders farms are located in two spaced areas in the desert of Wadi El-Natrun.

  • The first one is on an area of 4,000 fedans for Breeding plants that are 8 plants, each one away from the other by at least 2 km.
  • The second is on an area of 6,000 fedans for Production plants that are 8 plants, each one away from the other by 2 to 2.5 km.

Competitive Advantages

  • The Farm’s Location which is away from the residential block; in the depth of the desert; makes the plants safe from exposure to epidemic diseases.
  • Our Team consists of owners of high technical expertise, allowing to benefiting from these experiences to achieve the standard rates for breed along with the training and preparation of a second line of poultry technicians.
  • The Integration of production sectors group (Breeders / Hatching lab) gives a distinct final product.
  • The Proper handling of the product (Hatching eggs) reduces losses and gives excellent rates of hatching eggs for each resident chicken.

The Hatching Labs 


The Project’s Location

Nubariya Lab which is located on Kilo 57 Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road.

Competitive Advantages

The company uses hatchery systems and the highest technology, either in labs equipment, disinfectants or vaccines used to obtain a high quality product commensurate with the name, the reputation and experience of Al Watania Poultry Egypt.


The Layers

The Project’s Location

Kilo 76, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road


Competitive Advantages
  • The produced table eggs are pure Bio-products “100% Organic eggs”.
  • The table egg layer flock is handled biologically, and no antibiotics are used during the production period.
  • The feed provided for the layer flock is 100% vegetarian feed.
  • This flock is handled mechanically during most of the production stages.